My new baby cousin, WT, is here! Finally! He's actually early, but with all the trouble my aunt had during pregnancy and the fact that we all found out she was pregnant when she was 6! weeks! along!, it has felt like she was pregnant with him for an eternity. The picture is blurry; he doesn't really look like a fuzzy baby. He's actually sort of red and wrinkly with a little dark fuzzy hair on his head. I told him that someone forgot to give him eyelashes, because he doesn't have them yet. Amazing his head isn't misshapen, as a lot of baby heads are. I know he probably looks like every other baby out there, but he's my cousin, dang it, and so he's special. I know his big sister is excited, and his mom is relieved.
On the subject of moms: I Love mine. She really is my best friend and at times we have been all we had. Mom often compares us to Rory and Lorelai in the Gilmore Girls. I always tell her she's crazy, but really she's right. We just know each other so well, how we'll react to certain things, and how to handle each other's psychotic spells. She gave me something once that says: A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend. That's absolutely right.