Suffice to say that I really wanted to be depressed and spend the day in bed today. Wait, I was (am?) depressed, but I fortunately can recognize it and can force myself out of bed and finally out of the house. So the ipod, the cell phone (and so vicariously Mom) and I walked to ear x-tacy for the new Patty Griffin (who we're going to see next month!), José González (who we're seeing in December!), and Alexi Murdoch. I've also been listening to two awesome podcasts: Ritmo Latino and De Root Art. Ritmo Latino is hosted by a man from Colorado living in Poland, and is broadcast by National Public Radio in Micronesia. De Root Art is done by a Mexican living in England. His description of it says something like, "Music you like but haven't heard yet." This stuff is great. I love it; it's like listening to mix tapes made by people with much better music collections than I have.
Let's see. Domestic adventures... I decided last weekend that it would be a good idea to can spaghetti sauce, seeing as we had about 6 pounds of Roma tomatoes from the back yard to use up. I learned that from now on I'll freeze sauce instead of canning it. I was successful. I have 3 pints of canned spaghetti sauce, but it was more trouble than it was worth. I have a big kitchen, but still needed more space. I did take a few pictures, motivated by my favorite blogstress Alicia P (she takes beautiful pictures of the most ordinary things!) See how pretty it was?
I haven't actually eaten any of it yet, so we'll see later how it actually turned out. Hopefully no one gets botulism! (I shouldn't tempt it, should I?)
Lastly, the MRI referenced in the last post has been postponed until next Thursday, as long as the worker's comp doctor, who I have never seen, deems it medically necessary. All this could have been done for last week, but my paperwork was lost. Thanks Risk Management!
That's actually everything I wrote earlier. Awesome. Thanks for hanging in there.
¡Hasta entonces!
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