Congress To Raise Alpacas To Aid Struggling Economy

"We're confident that breeding alpacas will jump-start the economy and lift this nation out of debt once we get the start-up money," said McConnell, who insists the exotic livestock require very little maintenance and are of a gentler temperament than their cousin the llama. "All you need is a fertile male and a female in heat, and nature takes it course. Before you know it, the money is rolling in and there's alpacas everywhere."
More relevant to real life:
The Three Kentucky Amigos
I bet Mitch wishes he could have seen into the future to know that ol' Bruce was going to come around and stab him in the back later. Not that Lunsford has much of a chance... Especially once Democrats remember that he turned his back on his own party to endorse Fletcher and let Mitch pull his strings for awhile.
Now to the not so funny and absolutely maddening:
U.S.: 'Demonic' militants sent women to bomb markets in Iraq
I'm not sure I have the words to express how ANGRY this makes me. When I read it I started to shake, and if I hadn't been at work, I'd have cried. It's one thing if someone makes their own, conscieous decision to blow themselves up (not that it makes it right, but at least it's their own decision) that's one thing, but these poor women probably didn't know they were about to become bombs, maybe didn't have the cognition to even know what's going on, and a bunch of cowards strapped dynamite to them and blew them up remotely. Remotely. With cell phones. Those poor women. I hope there's a special place in Hell for whoever did this to them.
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