Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The moment we`ve all been waiting for...

Our Mexican Karaoke debut! I know you`re excited. I was actually roped into singing Karaoke last night at La Regadera (which means showerhead in Spanish, for those playing at home. Notice the showerhead and curtains, we were singing in the shower!).

I was actually pretty terrifed, so Juan agreed to go up there with me. I don`t know any songs in Spanish, and having the words there doesn`t always help. Somehow, I sang 6 songs (and I wasn`t even drunk!), 3 with Juan in Spanish, one with him in English,

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds with Shelly,

and Time After Time ( ah, Cindy Lauper!) with Shelly and Sharon.

With all these pictures, it felt like the paparazzi was there!


Kara Lewis said...

That is hilarious! I've never done karaoke before sober and in a foreign language!

Linda said...

Yikes, never sober and never in another language. You are so brave. Although I know when I am traveling and there is no fear that someone I know will see me embarrass myself I am likely to do any number of silly things.